Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Yes I'm a chick that looovveess sports! Go Wings Go!!

There is a no brainer when asked the question what my favourite website it is, hands down during the winter season its the Detroit Red Wings site but during spring and summer gotta give it up to my Yankees.

I know I'm a girl and we are suppose to do girly things like do our hair and nails which don't get me wrong is nice sometimes but I rather watch a great fight or an amazing save than check out girly websites.  No offense to anyone.

The Wings website has tons of videos and photos that I can check out daily to see how they did that night because I was at volleyball practice and missed the game or something like that.  Answer their polls they post up about who is doing good this year or where you think the wings will place at the end of the season.  This website gives tons of information about their charity work, working with their community, It's just nice to see them take time out of their schedule to go help out people.

The wings splash page has an amazing offer with the st nicks package, I would highly recommend giving it to someone for a Christmas gift.   It sells the benefits of buying the package because of the money you would save instead of buying single game tickets.

There is nothing that I would change is this web site at all,  okay well not to be bias they need more photos of Chris Osgood I know alot of people think his time is done but nope I do not agree with that.  I do find there site a tad bit cluttered but what sport sites aren't.

It's easy to navigate through this website because of all their headings that you can choose from, if they feel something is important and they want the viewer to pay attention they will bold the word.